
Contract Languages I/25: Jacques-Henri Jourdan: Creusot – 12 March 2025

Jacques-Henri Jourdan will present the Rust verification system CREUSOT.

Time and Date: 19 March 2025, 16:00 CET,

Contract Languages II: Reiner Hähnle: Context-aware Trace Contracts – 10 July 2024

Reiner Hähnle will present work on Context-aware Trace Contracts.

Time and Date: 10 July, 16.00 CEST, for Link see below.

Contract Languages I: Alessandro Cimatti: Software Contracts meet System Contracts – 15 May 2024

As a follow-up to the March 2024 Lorentz Center workshop on Contract Languages, we host a series of online presentations and discussions around formal methods with contract languages, aligning with the LTC goal of enabling information exchange between different formal systems.

Memcached Online Discussion

The next discussion meeting will be on January 23, 2024, 10:00 CET -12:00 CET.

Memcached Challenge

The Memcached challenge was disclosed at the ETAPS on Wed, 26th April 2023.

The introduction was scheduled in the TOOLympics session.

Casino Example #5: Finalisation of the Example

Last online discussion on the Casino example.

Casino-Example #4

Online-Discussion on the Casino Example.

Casino Example #3

The next discussion meeting will be on 24 March 2022, 14.00 CEST.

Casino Example #2

Online Discussion on the Casino Example.

Casino Example #1

Online Discussion on the Casino Example.

Specification Language #2

Online Discussion on Hagrid.

Specification Languages

27th November 2020, 10:00 UTC Information for participating are below. The VerifyThis Collaborative Large Scale Challenge aims at proving that deductive program verification can produce relevant results for real systems with acceptable effort. We selected HAGRID, a recently developed PGP-keyserver, for the challenge. Its development became necessary as the old keyserver had serious data protection and security issues. In April four approaches to the verification challenge have been submitted to and presented during an online workshop.

Online Discussion

Dear all, A Dagstuhl meeting on Principles of Contract Languages had been because of the Covid-19 pandemic. Last April a number of groups participated in the online event for the Verify This Long Term Challenge 2020. As a follow-up on this, we would like to seize the opportunity to use the challenge and the available solutions to stipulate a discussion on the features that an ideal specification language would possess for this purpose.

Proceedings for the contributions available

Dear all, the collection of extended abstracts for the contributions to the VerifyThis Long Term Challenge have been published as a technical report at KIT. You can find the proceedings here!

Hagrid Results #2

Online Result and Exchange Event

27th April 2020, 10:00 UTC Information for participating are below. A final workshop session for the challenge had been planned at ETAPS (along with the VerifyThis program verification competition). Since ETAPS has been postponed, we will meet and exchange online. We have received several submissions that each contribute a solution to different aspects of the challenge using different abstractions, different assumptions and different verification techniques. During this online meeting, the different solutions will be briefly explained, and we discuss the approaches, how they can benefit from one another and how further verification success can be stipulated.

Online Event

Dear fellows, We start with the preparation of an online event in which the submitted solution are presented and can be discussed. The online event is not an replacement of the onsite meeting. The onsite event will take place if/when the ETAPS and the VerifyThis workshop take place. Regards, Alexander


Dear fellows, the notification for the presentation are on the way to you. In the meantime, the ETAPS is postponed due to the COVID-19 spread. Our information are currently limited to the official information on the ETAPS front-page: https://www.etaps.org/. But we stick to the plan of having an on-site event with the VerifyThis workshop. Please stayed tuned in. When more information is available, we let you know on this web page and via the mailing-list verifythis-ltc@lists.

Hagrid Results #1

Online Discussion

12th February, 2020, 14:00 – 16:00 UTC 14:00 UTC

MCRL2 PGP model

MCRL2 PGP protocol model A formalisation for the PGP protocol has been written as an MCRL2 model by Wytse Oortwijn from the VerCors team. You can find it here.

Event-B Formalisation

I have tried to formalise the natural language requirements into an Event-B model. It is not necessarily complete, and may not be fully in line with the natural language description. But it is a starting point for a discussion.

Scala and Java Implementations

In the meantime, two different implementations of the key-server were created. Gidon Ernst created a Scala version: https://github.com/gernst/verifythis2020 I created a full java version (incl. a REST interface) https://github.com/wadoon/keyserver-java/ Author: Alexander Weigl, weigl@kit.edu

Challenge start

At the KeY Symposium 2019 (Manigod, France), the VerifyThis Challenge has been announced. The challenge is currently rudimentary and will be updated soon. A mailing list is available for participants: verifythis-ltc@lists.kit.edu. For question, you can directly get in touch with organisers via the Github issues or email (verifythis-ltc-request@lists.kit.edu). Good luck. Marieke Huisman, Raul Monti, Mattias Ulbrich, Alexander Weigl