Specification Languages

27th November 2020, 10:00 UTC

Information for participating are below.

The VerifyThis Collaborative Large Scale Challenge aims at proving that deductive program verification can produce relevant results for real systems with acceptable effort. We selected HAGRID, a recently developed PGP-keyserver, for the challenge. Its development became necessary as the old keyserver had serious data protection and security issues.

In April four approaches to the verification challenge have been submitted to and presented during an online workshop.

A Dagstuhl seminar on contract-based specification languages was originally planned for the last week in November 2020, but had to be cancelled.

We would like to seize the opportunity to use the challenge system and the available solutions to stipulate a discussion on the features that an ideal specification language would possess for this purpose. This online discussion will start a discussion involving people together who are interested in the design of contract languages and the participants of systems like the challenge who want to make use of contract languages in their specifications.



Who can join the meeting?

Everybody who is interested about the challenge, formal verification, the proposed solutions and VerifyThis is cordially to join the meeting!

How can I join the meeting?

The online event takes place with Zoom.

In protection against spammers, we require a short registration beforehand. The login credentials will be sent via your provided email address. Please register yourself with a email to weigl@kit.edu.


  1. https://verifythis.github.io/online-event-nov/
  2. https://verifythis.github.io/VerifyThisLTC-Nov2020.pdf
  3. doi: 10.1002/spe.2495
  4. CoCoSpec: A Mode-Aware Contract Language for Reactive Systems (DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-41591-8_24)
  5. Seamless Interactive Program Verification
  6. Deductive techniques for model-based concurrency verification
  8. How Testing Helps to Diagnose Proof Failures
  9. https://nikolai-kosmatov.eu/publications/robles_kprl_tap_2019.pdf

Summary of discussion on contract specification languages (November 27, 2020)

Summarised by Marieke Huisman, Raul Monti, Mattias Ulbrich and Alexander Weigl

Before the discussion started, a round-up on Hagrid, the verifying keyserver, was given in a short talk. On an abstract level, Hagrid is an interactive system and a typical representative of service-oriented software. Hagrid provides five endpoints, which can be called in an arbitrary and parallel manner, to manipulate the internal database of known public keys.

The discussion first focused on finding the right level of abstraction in specifications. For some applications (including the VerifyThis long term challenge) writing an abstract (i.e., behavioural/executable) model is the most natural way to capture the desired properties/behaviour, rather than doing this directly in terms of declarative specifications like contracts. But then of course, the question is: what is the connection between this model and the contracts. Ideally, we would like to have some way to link those: generate contracts from a model, or generate a model from the contracts. For Hagrid, the connection between the model and the contracts is relatively clear, but this is not always the case. Also, when generating models or contracts from each other, the big challenge is to come up with the right level of abstraction.

What is the right level of specification (abstract model or contracts) also depends on what you want to use the specifications for (and in addition, it can also depend on who actually writes the specification). A reason to use contracts could be that you want the developers to look at the specifications, and they are looking at the code. Moreover, it is important to remember that models are not necessarily the same as the properties you are interested in - but of course, there is a connection.

There was a common agreement that not every class of properties can be expressed (nicely) at contract level, but contracts come into play when we want to say things method-modularly at implementation level, because they make it possible to use divide-and-conquer techniques for reasoning. Some things are complex at the implementation level (think about string handling for example), while they can be nicely explained at an abstract level. Other examples are protocols, or event histories. These can be encoded at the level of contracts, but as the specification notions then are not first-class, it can make reasoning a bit cumbersome, and it can blur the meaning of the specification (but it is good to have the possibility to encode these things, to experiment with different verification approaches).

Finally, it was stressed that models also can be considered as a contract e.g. as a form of assume-guarantee reasoning), so maybe we should simply embrace the notion of abstract model as part of our contract specification languages. We already have class invariants, why not also finite state machine, regular expressions or whatever. If we want to do this, we might want to consider the SVComp format to specify automata. This might also give us a different view on contracts: a contract should not just express the relation between the pre-state and post-state of a method, but it should capture all the effects a method has between its call and return point. A contract then constrains what a method is allowed to do by the outside world, and it should declare in what sequences certain things are going to happen. Of course, if we take this view, we have to distinguish between the effects of a method itself, and the effects that are created by other actors. If we take this view, then we should also define a suitable counterpart for framing conditions of these “effect contracts”. The connection between a model state machine and ghost code maintaining an internal state of an object have been discussed. One way to see this is that a state machine is a specification of how ghost state evolves that could also be implemented using ghost code. Nevertheless some find it clear to separate the model with abstract behavior from the code itself. Then the code should be proven to be a refinement of the model behavior.

There exists different work in this direction. The KeY team once worked on the possibility to extract contracts from state charts. Simon Bliudze is working on a technique to annotate Java classes with states and transitions, where some methods describe transitions, and other methods serve as guards. Marieke Huisman and Wytse Oortwijn worked on adding the notion of models to the annotation language of VerCors (based on permission-based separation logic). The logic allows one to prove that the program behaves according to the model, i.e. the program refines the model. External tools (currently mCRL2) are used to verify behavioural properties about the model, and from this we can conclude that the program also satisfies these properties.

The discussion then continued on the relation between inheritance and contracts. How does inheritance match with abstract models? For this you would need some form of behavioural subtyping. Of course, a challenge is that programming languages do not guarantee behavioural subtyping, thus this requires discipline from the programmer. There is a discussion whether we could find ways to automatically characterise when inheritance coincides with refinement/behavioural subtyping. The theory of behavioural subtyping is wellknown, but it requires careful checks from the developer.

Last, tool support for contract languages was discussed. Tools like Dafny are nice to use, but it can be annoying that you never get the symbolic state if verification fails, which can make it hard to understand why verification fails.

A few approaches to address this problem are discussed. Mattias, from the KeY team is working on an interactive Dafny verification environment (DIVE), which gives more feedback when verification fails. With Why3, there is extensive support for the manipulation of a non-provable goal. SPARK tries to provide user feedback, based on relatively simple checks. For example, if a variable is used in the method, but not mentioned in the pre- and postconditions. The StaDy plugin of Frama-C uses dynamic verification to analyse the reason that static verification fails, and it can give feedback if that was because of missing pre- and postconditions, implementation errors, or prover incompleteness.