Casino Example #2

Information for participating are below.

The VerifyThis Collaborative Large Scale Challenge aims at proving that deductive program verification can produce relevant results for real systems with acceptable effort. We selected HAGRID, a recently developed PGP-keyserver, for the challenge. Its development became necessary as the old keyserver had serious data protection and security issues.


In earlier meetings we have discussed what general specification concepts exist, with particular focus on exploring automaton- and contract-based techniques and their potential relationships.

For the upcoming meeting, we want to encourage you, the participants, to sketch a specification of the Casino Example in your favorite specification formalism.

Aggregated Materials

Who can join the meeting?

Everybody who is interested in the challenge, formal verification, the proposed solutions or VerifyThis is cordially invited to join the meeting!

How can I join the meeting?

The online event takes place with Zoom.

In protection against spammers, we require a short registration beforehand. The login credentials will be sent via your provided email address. Please register yourself with an email to

Note: If you had already registered for a previous event, then you should be on the mailing list and have received the Zoom link.

Artifacts Summary

To the submitted specifications


We started the meeting by looking at the previous meeting and the example that was introduced there: a smart contract implementation of a small betting game. The implementation was rediscussed quickly, and in particular it was stressed that the implementation follows some kind of state machine. Both liveness and safety properties are relevant for this example: a desired liveness property would be that that you eventually get your money if you win, a desired safety property would be that no money is lost in the system.

The contracts are completely sequential, but a challenge is that call backs are possible, i.e. a contract can invoke another contract in any intermediate state, thus one cannot rely upon the contracts to be completely finished.

Several participants have prepared partial specifications to model the system, and these specifications are discussed.

Jonas Becker has modeled the system using timed automata (in Uppaal). He modelled two variants of the system:

While rediscussing the example implementation, Jonas realised that his model of transfer is not completely faithful to the Solidity implementation, as it misses that you wait until you are called within the transfer function. He will look into this, and see if this can be adjusted.

Several properties are checked, such as absence of deadlocks, and if a bet is placed, then at some point it will be decided PCas.bet_placed --> PCas.idle, which is Uppaal notation for AG (p -> EF q)).

The counterexample trace shows that an actor can decide to quit, and then no return is possible.


The Uppaal model was relatively simple to make, but there are some limitations, in particular there is a fixed number of players and amounts for the bet.

Moreover, when checking the properties, one quickly has a state explosion, and it would be interesting to find out if there would be a way to exploit the contracts (ie. function specifications) to make the model checking not explode. (Pretty tight bounds like 3 actors, 2 players had to be chosen to keep the verification time within bearable limits.)

Ultimately, this leads to the question whether we can ever prove liveness properties for unbounded state space.

The simple initial model does not use clocks to model time which would be possible with timed automata in Uppaal; and might have a use case for the casino example (Wolfang showed a solidity version with explicit time later).

A central question for the combination of operation abstractions (contracts) and model checking has been identified as: How can we abstract from player automaton faithfully to get away from state space explosion? An idea is to abstract away from parts of the system by replacing a component by a nondeterministic component. That works for small systems, but does not scale well. Translate the idea of contracts into automata to obtain benefits for model checking.


Alexander Weigl then showed how he modelled the system in TLA. Interestingly, the specification language is more expressive than what the model checker can analyse. As a result, he has given a model that is quite close to the Solidity implementation, but which cannot be checked by the tool. Some liveness properties are expressed, but cannot be verified, because the specifications are (implicitly) quantified over all possible (unbounded) values of a variable.

In the model, actions are described as logical formulas (conjunctions of equations). The overall system is described as a non-deterministic choice between the different (enabled) actions.

It is remarked that this specification formalism is more declarative than many other specification languages. The specifications are purely logical, variable updates are expressed by introducing a new primed variable (e.g. x’).

Alexander remarks that reverting of actions is abstracted away from into no action happening. This is not completely faithful to the implementation, but might be a good abstraction. We discuss further about this: reverting is not the same as failing, but observationally they are the same, so it might be fine to abstract away from this difference. This depends also on the level of abstraction that we consider further, because if we consider the loss of gas, then they are not the same, and we cannot ignore the difference. But probably, for what we are interested in, focusing on the desired behaviour, gas is irrelevant, and we can ignore the difference. As a side remark, Elvira Albert and her team are working on resource analysis, and they use this to model gas-based properties of smart contracts.

Jonas Schiffl remarks that the transfer contract including its possible revert is the most interesting one, because it is hard to compute the weakest precondition for this one. The weakest precondition depends on the execution (i.e. a dynamic property). But as Wolfgang remarks, you could statically describe the different options.

Another point to discuss is what we try to specify/verify. Do we want to focus on the intended behaviour in our model, or do we want to able to faithfully model the implementation. Both options are viable, but one has to be aware of the two different purposes. In particular, if we want to use the model as a specification, then it should be without errors. However, if we want to use the model to find errors in the implementation, then it should be faithful to the implementation (including the errors). How to show that a model is faithful to an implementation is also an open issue.

In particular, do we want to reason about reverts, or would we like to show that they never happen (because we don’t want them)? For safety properties, reverts might be irrelevant, then you just want to see that after termination, you get the desired result, but for liveness properties the reverts are relevant. Still a question is how reverting relates to contract-based reasoning, because a call may be finished, but the postcondition might not hold. Contracts as we know them are over-approximations. Maybe we need some variant of contracts that under-approximate their behaviour, and that can be used to reason about liveness properties. Matthias proposes to call these CO-CONTRACTS!

Wolfgang then tells that the real world code actually has a time out, and that with a model in Uppaal these timing aspects could be modelled as well (after a certain time, a player can always win).


Jonas Schiffl then shows his formalisation in SolC-verify. This is a contract-based tool for Solidity. The require statements are considered preconditions, the user adds postconditions and modifies clauses. Internally, this is translated into Boogie.

The tool is still in early stages, and it only considers partial correctness and normal termination. It misses the possibility to specify an exceptional behaviour (in this specific case a reverting behaviour). Reverting is now completely ignored in the tool.


Raúl Monti is working on modelling safety properties of the example in VerCors, using a translation into VerCors’s internal language PVL. To make the contract functions fully atomics, the encoding surrounds them by a global lock. This lock is then associated to a loop invariant that expresses the global property that the money in the pot + bet = balance. This property has to be proven every time the lock is released, i.e. at the end of every contract. A formal refinement from VerCors to executable SC code is conceptually possible.

Proving that you will get back to the idle state is out of reach for VerCors.

Event B

Mattias Ulbrich developed an EventB model, also modelling the preservation property. The specification is essentially a repetition of the implementation.

Next Meeting

For the next meeting, the participants will further refine their models and formalisations. They will also see if there are properties that they would need from another tool, and phrase this as concrete verification challenges. Also, the idea of co-contracts that under-approximate the behaviour of a smart contract/function might be developed further and discussed during a next meeting. When dealing with an approximation for model checking, it is important to know what kind of approximation one needs. This is different for liveness and for safety (over- vs. underspecification) Design-by-contracts always uses overapproximation. We might also need underapproximating contracts.

Dealing with sufficient gas was not discussed here. There are people outside our community that deal with gas consumption and analysis thereof.