Contract Languages II: Reiner Hähnle: Context-aware Trace Contracts – 10 July 2024

Reiner Hähnle will present work on Context-aware Trace Contracts.

Time and Date: 10 July, 16.00 CEST, for Link see below.

As a follow-up to the March 2024 Lorentz Center workshop on Contract Languages, we will host a series of online presentations and discussions around formal methods with contract languages, aligning with the LTC goal of enabling information exchange between different formal systems.

Ask for the Zoom link

Title: Context-aware Trace Contracts, Joint work with Eduard Kamburjan (U Oslo), Marco Scaletta (TU Darmstadt)

Abstract: The behavior of concurrent, asynchronous procedures depends in general on the call context, because of the global protocols that govern scheduling. This context cannot be specified with the state-based Hoare-style contracts common in deductive verification. Recent work generalized state-based to trace contracts, which permit to specify internal behavior of a procedure, such as calls or state changes, but not its call context. In this talk we discuss a program logic of context-aware trace contracts for specifying global behavior of asynchronous programs. We also provide a sound proof system. To observe the program state not merely at the end points of a procedure, we introduce the novel concept of an observation binder.